It's been a while since I've done a favorites list and thought this week might be fun to cover those topics. So, today, we're taking a look at my top 10 favorite MCU/Live Action style Marvel Legends Figures. I had some fun putting this together and hope you enjoy it too.
10) Black Widow White Suit Deluxe Figure

Based on her solo film, this figure puts Natasha in the white outfit she wore when breaking her "father" Red Guardian out of prison. I think what I liked most about this figure would be all the great stuff packed within. In addition to a great looking figure, Black Widow has several explosion effects, weapons, and a pretty solid flight stand. I'm thinking this may be a Retro Review at some point.
9) Thor (Thor/Lady Sif First 10 Years Dark World Two-Pack)

I was very lucky to stumble upon this two-pack at an Ollie's and paid the princely sum of $12.99 for it. Legends photo realism was in it's infancy but still made for a decent looking figure. As I hadn't bought a Thor from the previous movie yet, this was a nice addition, and the design really stands out on my shelf. Sure, there have been some better Thor figures released since but this one has always been a personal favorite of mine.
8) Rescue (Avengers Endgame)

Rescue's armor design has always been really neat, in my opinion. Seeing the version come to life in Endgame, with the vibrant blue and gold color scheme was one of my favorite moments in the movie. When this figure was released, it was a no brainer that I'd grab one for my Endgame shelf and she looks fantastic with the Iron Man Mark LXXXV armor.
7) War Machine (Avengers Endgame Black/Silver version)

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to wear a streamlined tank, look no further than this version of the War Machine armor. I never did add the red/white/blue version from the final battle, but that's ok. War Machine will always be black/silver/red for me and the design, sculpt, and sheer deadliness of this armor design has always been among my favorites. Standing among my other Endgame Legends, War Machine cuts an imposing figure and I like it!
6) Mighty Thor (Jane Foster)

For as much as I disliked Thor: Love and Thunder, I will admit that Jane Foster as The Mighty Thor was exceptionally well done. This figure was one of the best of the Legends wave and I still can't get over what a great job Hasbro did depicting Natalie Portman in plastic form. Whether in or out of helmet, the head sculpts were both incredibly well done. From a relatively weak entry in the MCU, this is arguably the best figure in the wave.
5) Thanos (Endgame Two-Pack with Iron Man)

As Endgame nears its explosive climax and once again it appears Thanos has defeated our heroes, he raises the Nanogauntlet, snaps his fingers and... nothing happens. It is only then that Thanos notices that Tony Stark has cleverly stolen the Infinity Stones and wields them in his armor. Having a battle-damaged Thanos, about to face his final defeat, with the amount of detail laid into this figure... made the two pack a "must purchase" for me. Of all the MCU Thanos figures I have (Legends versions), this is my absolute favorite.
4) Moon Knight (Disney + Version)

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the D+ Moon Knight series. When this figure (and Mr. Knight) was released, I knew I'd be adding it to my collection. The amount of detail put into this figure to make it screen accurate is astonishing and in spite of the limitations of the design, I really am impressed with this Moon Knight figure. The gold crescent blades are nice additions, though they probably could use a bit of work to give them a more metallic look, but aside from that, I just dig this figure.
3) Deadpool (Deadpool 2: DP/Negasonic Teenage Warhead Two-Pack)

One of the most screen accurate designs that Marvel Legends has come out with. This bright red version of Deadpool looks like he just stepped right off the big screen and onto my collectibles shelf. It doesn't hurt that he's very well-articulated and comes with some great accessories, plus if you are patient, determined, and careful, you CAN remove those awesome Desert Eagles from their holsters and they fit so nicely in his hands. Amazon did release a "dust covered/battle damaged" version, which is all right, but this is the choice, hands down, for Deadpool's movie Legends.
2) Vulture (Spider-Man Homecoming BAF Flight Harness/Wings)

While the costume design was a departure from what Spider-Man fans were hoping for, ultimately this Vulture is one b.a. figure. I enjoyed Homecoming immensely and was really pleased with how the costume fit the story. The wingspan is incredible for a 1/12 scale figure and the amount of design detail on both the wings and the figure is really astonishing. I was honestly surprised at how much I do like this and really could have seen it taking my number one slot... but it didn't because at number 1 we have...
1) Avengers Endgame Worthy Captain America

This Walmart exclusive isn't the splashiest figure, it's not the highest detailed, nor is it even the best figure from Endgame, but for me, this figure represents the one scene every MCU fan was looking forward to seeing. Captain America wielding Mjolnir. We knew he was worthy; Thor knew he was worthy, and Thanos got to feel the Star-Spangled Avenger's wrath. I think, the only thing that would have made this figure even better would have been to include a battle damaged, broken shield. I was thrilled when I saw this in my local Walmart and snagged it very quickly. Of all my MCU figures, Worthy Cap is my hands down favorite.
Thanks for checking out my live action Marvel Legends Top 10 Favorites. I'll be dropping another article featuring the Top 10 Spider-Man Marvel Legends Villains in my collection, so until then... GEEK OUT!!!